Thursday, August 31, 2017

How to stack wood

Remember the giant pile of aspen that the excavator piled up last year when roughing in the driveway?
The track hoe can move big trees so easily. It's kind of sad.

That's a lot of aspen.

Well, we've been harvesting it for firewood.  Yes, we know, aspen makes poor fuel, but we either have to cut it small enough to put into burn piles or pay to haul it away. As long as we are handling it, we might as well put it to some good use, eventually, in the wood stove.

So for now we are cutting the logs into 18-inch lengths and stacking out of the way of the future construction site.

We made a 2-minute time lapse video of building one of the stacks.

Wildlife highway

We've been progressing very slowly.  We've got plans for a house and we're going through permitting.

Meanwhile, we've put up a game camera and this is what we are seeing.